We provide full NZ curriculum options at NCHS. This is achieved through a mix of Correspondence courses (English, Mathematics & Science), thematic units of work (Social Sciences/Health), Physical Education, external courses and other activities.
One of the strengths of this school is the number and variety of learning opportunities students participate in. We work with a number of external providers to enable students to experience new things, to develop confidence and ultimately re-kindle an interest in learning. A number of these activities are represented in the photos you can see on the site.
The purpose of this school is to address the behaviour/learning related barriers to educational access for the students referred to us, and work towards mainstream reintegration within a timeframe. Simply put, schools identify students who are struggling, send them to us for a short time and we work intensively with them to sort out the problem(s). We are a resource for Napier secondary schools and part of the arsenal of strategies schools use to support students.